Special meaning paintings

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This is LIMITED ADDITION of paintings , which are based on meaning of astrological symbols. Each painting has a special vibration depending of symbol used to represent it.

Also, each symbol has corresponding colour, which vibrates with same resonance, depending on the part of the Aura that it influences.

Billie has studied Astrology for over fifteen years and has created this work specially for influence people wish to bring to their life.

Please refer to this guide as to meaning of paintings available.

SUN - Health and vitality

MOON - Emotions, feminine qualities and financial stability

VENUS - Love, friendships, romantic involvement’s, love, love love

JUPITER - Luck and unexpected blessings, travel far away, spirituality

MERCURY - Intellect, Strong mind, intelligence, socialising, friends, writing.Good for writers, public speakers and all people who want to have a busy social life

SATURN - All maters of Business, establishing in business, getting rid of bad habits

PLUTO - Planet of willpower

determination, sexual energy and

regeneration of body and mind

MARS - Symbol of an Athlete, for strong physical body and active life, also resonate on the root chakra level, therefore influence life force and Sexual energy.

EARTH - Grounding symbol, earthiness, "feet on the ground", financial

Stability, mental stability, back to the roots

¨ URANUS - Originality, new trends, revolution in Science, original thoughts,brotherhood, Altruism, helping others, equality, human rights

HEART - Universal LOVE symbol, used for Centuries to express loving feelings and good will

NEPTUNE – All that is made of dreams ...

© Copyright Biljana Krstovic 2002

Please click here if you wish to order /book Horoscope reading with Billie Please click here to see the paintings all LOVE paintings are HERE If you wish to order painting with different meaning from the artwork on the website please email newmeaning@studioathena.co.uk or call studio direct.

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